Web Hosting
The internet has become a major driving force in the world the world of business and industry today. With the powerful online capabilities offered, a lot of people have taken to the internet to speak their minds or just branch out with their businesses and services. You can do this by registering to web hosting services. What is a web hosting service? Basically, it is a service given by certain providers to people who wish to create a website or web page to be shared on a vast scale by the use of internet. Web hosting lets you create your very own domain name to be used as an address that internet users will type in a search engine in order to view your website. By acquiring a web host service, you are guaranteed a wider range of customers or audiences for your offerings.
There are a couple of fundamental parts of web hosting that is incorporated into the plan. These are the disk space, bandwidth, email accounts and FTP access. Let’s talk about each one to better understand the basics of web host provider plan.
Disk Space
Web hosting accounts offer varying levels of disk space for webmasters. This is a vital to know for people who will be using the website as a form of business transaction. You have to estimate the needed space for the basic needs like email, web content and your web database in order to be able to have sufficient disk space for all of the components you will need. Separate each category and your disk space limit to have a rough estimation of how much disk space your website will use in order to work properly.
Right off the bat I must tell you that Bandwidth and Data Transfer are two totally different processes. Some web host providers may cloud your eyes between the two by saying that they’re basically the same. That is not true at all. To be clear, bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred by single computer while data transfer is the actual size of data being sent and received in real time. A huge bandwidth doesn’t necessarily mean a faster connection; it just shows the limit of transfer you have not the actual transfer itself.
Knowing the correct bandwidth will be a continuous process for webmasters. You have to compute how large your website is and your online traffic to determine the correct bandwidth size to take.
Having an email account is important for would be webmasters. Web hosting services will require one of three types of email for your website. These are POP3, forwarding emails and aliases. Each one has different uses that for different types of websites. POP3 are the most common email account that we use. Mostly centered in communication between contacts and comes with the usual features such as the inbox. The forwarding email account is an account for those websites that uses another company they hired to sift through the emails for them. Rather than receiving emails directly to your account, it is sent to another to prevent any spam mail from reaching you. Aliases accounts are dummy accounts that will automatically receive any email that are not in your mail server database.
FTP Access
Once you’re done with creating your website offline you will need to transfer them to your web server for testing and launch. This is where we use the FTP access to connect to both web hosting provider and your web page. FTP will also be the program that will handle the entire upload and downloads for your website. FTP is the string that will connect you to your website in order to monitor and update it as you see fit.